Friday, January 06, 2012

Zadie Smith's New Novel "NW"

'There's been a seven-year wait for Smith's fourth novel. NW follows the fortunes of a group of friends on an estate in north-west London through school and into adulthood. Though they stay faithful to this most diverse of postcodes, their adult lives diverge dramatically.' (Guardian 7 Jan, '12). NW will be published in September 2012. Incidentally, her first novel, White Teeth was set mainly in post code NW2 - Willesden.  NW is reputed to be a slimmer volume than her earlier novels. I was chatting with the author in the summer of last year and at that time she was doing some field research on St Mary's,  a ninth-century church in Willesden. I'll be interested to see how that church features in the book - as well of course as reading the book. I spoke to her again in February this year and she had just a few pages to complete. I received an early draft of On Beauty from Ms Smith in 2004 and made a few modest comments on it to the author. I am very proud that my name was subsequently included in the Acknowledgements of that excellent work.  
 Here's a list of all London NW postcodes

This is the cover of Zadie Smith's new book 'NW' (UK edition).

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